This is the class blog where you will see DAILY BLOG RESPONSE posts, expectations and examples of ASSIGNMENTS, and articles for FURTHER EXPLORATION. Do not respond to posts on this blog- USE YOUR OWN blog to post your work please!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Guess you guys are almost outta here-
CHECK YOUR GRADES posted up on the white board and LET ME KNOW if there's any projects you've got posted that I didn't grade... Don't do an EVAL SHEET, just come and tell me!!!

FINAL PRESENTATION, for 40 points, you'll need to SHOW your 20 photo slideshow TO THE CLASS on THURSDAY June 11th... I will not accept late work or emailed presentations.

This is NOT the first time I've clearly stated this or explained it.
No excuses, no exceptions.

Other than that- IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE starting my day with you people... I hope you have good 1st periods for the remainder of you high school years!
(you know, ones that let you show up late without too much fuss, bring your coffees despite the NO FOOD OR DRINK policies, and have teachers who think that they're funny and make terrible jokes!)


Monday, June 1, 2015


You last PHOTOSHOP assignment is to take THIS EXACT photo of JAMES FRANCO and use photoshop to digitally age him
so that he REALISTICALLY looks 65 years old or older.

This is the ONE photoshop assignment I CAN NOT help you on, it is your FINAL.

OUT OF ALL OF THE TOOLS you have learned, which ones will you use to do this? First -think about what you want to -do- to the photo to make him look older...

It is worth 20 points.

(...remember, seniors have to show their 20 photo slideshow to the class ON THURSDAY FOR 40 POINTS, and everyone else has to show theirs on FINALS DAY OF NEXT WEEK...)