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Friday, May 8, 2015

HUGE extra credit opportunity

Tomorrow, SATURDAY THE 9th, from 9-2
and event is happening in downtown Oregon City.
It is called 'Marketplace Oregon City' and it is -hoping- to be
a weekly event that can recreate some of the funky art magic that
happens at Portland's Saturday Market.


If you are an artist (of any kind).
If you love your city and support it's efforts to change and grow.
If you just want 15 extra credit points (which would be the equivalent of 3 of the upcoming daily PHOTOSHOP assignments)

Come down to the event.
See cool art, hear local music, eat weird foods (the cupcake with an avocado frosting was on TV this morning)...
THEN- Find me (at the OCHS art club booth) so you can get your 15 points!

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