This is the class blog where you will see DAILY BLOG RESPONSE posts, expectations and examples of ASSIGNMENTS, and articles for FURTHER EXPLORATION. Do not respond to posts on this blog- USE YOUR OWN blog to post your work please!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015


NOTICE there are 2 'new' assignments on here, FASHION and NATURE.

They aren't due until AFTER THE MIDTERM grade gets posted this week.

You should focus on these things first-

3-Picking/reserving your FINAL SERIES topic/idea

4-extra credit to fill in for missed things, like movies

worry about the Nature & Fashion assignments...


FIRST OFF: Fashion Photography is -h-a-r-d---
So, do not underestimate how difficult it will be to get good shots where you control focus, background, people's expressions and poses, AND THE LOOK OF YOUR CLOTHING ITEMS!!!

These 6 shots are DUE, edited images AND original images, on Tuesday MAY 12th for 20 points.
Don't forget to LABEL EACH IMAGE and fill out an evaluation sheet once they are posted...

ALSO- there is an EDITING REQUIREMENT - half of this assignment is 'cleaning up' your photo in Photoshop - it is EXPECTED on this assignment.

The 6 shots consist of:

#1- WEBSITE IMAGE, this is just theISOLATED item- just the item, by itself, looking PERFECT with a completely neutral background.

#2-CATALOG IMAGE this is the ITEM IN A CONSTRUCTED ENVIRONMENT - just the item, in a set-up environment created for it (or appropriate for it)- think of the cowboy boots on the bail of hay in the barn- you find or create a background that FITS your item.

#3-#4-#5-#6- MODEL shots- you need someone to model your item as you take various shots- each shot is different- try to control the background and CONTROL YOUR MODELs poses and facial expression!!! TELL A STORY, even if it is a simple one, have your model DOING something that seems APPROPRIATE for the fashion item you've chosen.

#7- THE MAGAZINE COVER, using a different shot, or the one you think is best from the shots above, CREATE A MAGAZINE COVER at this link HERE. Include text on the cover. You can either pick a magazine that already exists or create your own new title.


This assignment is 30 points.
It is DUE, on your BLOG by the 8th of MAY... Fill out an EVAL SHEET and turn it in when you are done.

ALL of your shots should be EDITED (improved) in Photoshop and then posted along with the UNEDITED ORIGINAL in the post. Or do a single post with all of the unedited originals.

HOW MUCH you edit, is again your choice, but you should explain in the body of the post WHAT YOU DID to the original.

Images should be labeled IN THE POST'S TITLE with word(s) in BOLD below.


1)A bug's eye view of nature

2)BASED on nature- This is a MAN-MADE thing that has obviously been made/constructed/carved/painted to IMITATE something from the natural world.

3)Clouds - either total sky or with 10% land/trees in the frame

4)Nature takes over- nature reclaiming its territory from man

5)Man's Impact on nature- good or bad. As people, we both HELP and HURT the environment...

6)50/50- a composition that is 1/2 nature- and 1/2 man made

7)Wild animal- not a domesticated pet. Hunt and 'shoot' a critter! (with your camera)

8)Natural Water - drops, reflections, puddles- NATURE oriented, not sinks or drinking fountains or man-made sources

9)Nature Inside- some element of the natural world that has been brought 'in-doors'

10)Nature Panorama - composed of a minimum of 5 separate shots and assembled in photoshop

11)Goldsworthy Shot- make something OUT of nature, while IN nature (google image search 'andy goldsworthy' to see what this means- if you missed the presentation in class)


You can add up to 10 of YOUR photos to the Jones Soda website for
up to 10 points of replacement credit.

These need to be YOUR PHOTOS
you need to obtain the permission of ANY PERSON pictured in them
BECAUSE these become potential LABELS ON BOTTLES
on the shelves of stores nationwide!!!!

You have to create an account to post photos
SHOW ME on your computer- after you have posted all the Jones pics you
plan to-

and I'll add your replacement credit points.

This MUST be done by the 30th of APRIL.

HERE is my VICTORIOUS label that made it onto a bottle!!! (CLICK.)

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today, 2 things are going to be entered into SYNERGY.

#1) The PORTRAITS assignment (so turn in your 1/2 sheet -eval.sheet- under the TV)


#2) FIVE POINTS for reserving your FINAL SERIES idea (on the list taped to the white board)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Still Life Examples

So your NEW assignment -is STILL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHY, see the Blog post back before this one.

As always, it is good to see how some
PROFESSIONALS approach this subject-
To INSPIRE you...
Scroll down through these 35 examples of amazing recent STILL LIFE photographs-

Monday, April 20, 2015

Still Life Assignment


This is worth 35 points and DUE (on your blog) by ThursdayAPRIL 30th

This assignment is only 8 photos, BUT each one should be a very thoughtful and ---CONTROLLED--- set up of objects.
For full credit- you'll need to post each IMAGE with THE EXACT TITLES of the shots in BOLD CAPS below.

Remember, you should be posting ORIGINALS and EDITED photos for each shot... Even if you only CROP or UP THE BRIGHTNESS, I want to see both versions!

In this picture, you are trying to take a picture that looks the same on the right side as it does on the left side, the objects do not have to be exactly the same, but it should be compositionally close...

2- ABSTRACT - This is a photograph where you can't really tell what the objects IS.. It should be an interesting shape, texture, or pattern, pleasing to the eye- but a mystery!

3- FOOD - You're going to be arranging some food to be aesthetically pleasing... This can be anything food related, an obscene amount of plentiful overload, a football party spread, a birthday dessert, a romantic dinner, food growing in the garden, a meager snack, or your favorite meal... be sure to control the frame and only include things you INTEND to be in the picture!!!

4- NON-SEQUITOR- In this shot you are putting some object (or group of objects) in an unusual place for them to be in- By placing objects out-of-context, you create new meaning... A stuffed animal placed in an oven becomes a metaphor for animal abuse... A book in a tree translates into The Tree of Knowledge...

5- ANCIENT HISTORY - In this picture you will be photographing a thing or collection of things that are OVER 10 years old... Decaying and moldy objects can still be quite photogenic!!!

6- CHAOS - This picture will depict the disorganization of life- you can find a place that is messed up or create a space that is messed up, BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! Looking down in a garbage can at school may not be as photogenic as a drawer full of jumbled colored pencils... They are both 'chaotic' but the pencils would definately be more worthy of a photograph...

7- METAPHOR- your challenge in this one is to arrange objects that REPRESENT one of these 4 BIG themes- Love, Death, Family, or Power. How can you illustrate the idea of POWER by using large or small objects? Can you find objects that depict a visual notion of what LOVE is? This one is a 'toughy'... It may help you to look up the word METAPHOR, if you just don't 'get it'...

8- COMPOSITIONAL TECHNIQUE STILL LIFE- this is a photo of objects taken to demonstrate ONE of the 21 Compositional Techniques, title your post with the name of the technique, or include it in the body of your blog post along with the images.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Next week there will be a SIGN UP sheet of paper on the front WHITE BOARD-
you'll need to write down the
for your FINAL SERIES project.

This is (will be) a slideshow of 20 images
all related to the same theme.

This can be SUBJECT MATTER ( for example, dogs or mailboxes or flowers)
a related concept (visual depictions of song lyrics)
or a stylistic 'link' (super high contrast with strong BLUE TONES)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Second Chance for Extra Credit

See this movie on NETFLIX.

Answer 3 simple questions about it on Monday APRIL 20th, in class, for a possible
(if you missed an in-class movie)

The 20th is the ONLY opportunity you have to do this.
-------DUE DATE EXTENDED TO APRIL 27TH!!!!!!!--------------

Movie 3

ON TUESDAy April 14th, we watched the third and FINAL
part of this movie.

ONCE AGAIN, the accompanying worksheet was worth 10 points.

So there.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


You will be posting 10 portraits, on your blog, titled with the CAPS/BOLD headings below, AND FILL OUT AN EVALUATION SHEET, by APRIL 30th for the full 40 points.

WHEN TAKING PORTRAITS- you MUST ask people's permission first!!! It is a violation of privacy to 'steal' someone's picture like a secret spy!!!

These will be graded on your ability to interpret each shot in a creative way, make sure your subject is in FOCUS, and CONTROL YOUR BACKGROUNDS!!!! Nothing in the frame should be 'accidental'.

EDITING REQUIREMENT- Each BLOG POST for ALL future PHOTOGRAPHIC assignments in this class should contain the ORIGINAL photograph and the EDITED photograph. Even if you only alter the BRIGHTNESS & CONTRAST slightly or CROP the frame of the image, all of your photos should be edited in Photoshop...

1) SELFIE - this needs to be taken AT SCHOOL with a highly recognizable OCHS landmark or feature in the background of your photo... This is TAKEN OF YOU- BY YOU, so your phone might make a better tool than the bulky SLR camera from class...

2) PERSONALITY PORTRAIT- try to tell us something about a persons personality through setting, facial expression, or pose. It can be understated or a BOLD, LOUD statement. Really think about the person you are using and WHAT your photo reveals about their personality. EXPLAIN WHAT you were trying to show about this person in the TEXT of your photo's blog post.

3) AT WORK PORTRAIT- take a picture of someone who is engaged in an activity, work, hobby, etc. THEY SHOULD BE DOING the thing they are doing- NOT SMILING at YOU! It may take some acting and coaching, but the person should be oblivious to the camera and not even recognize it is there...

4) NO FACE PORTRAIT- take a person's portrait where their body/pose is more important than their face. They can have their back to the camera, they can be a silhouette, an outline, a shadow, or their face can be obscured in some way. This makes the specific person less important and the 'meaning' of the photo more evident.

5) COUPLE PORTRAIT two people, in love or at war, playing a game or occupying the same space but ignoring eachother, are they relating to one another or not? Can you even see BOTH of their faces? Your choice. Boys, girls, any combination, but keep it down to just TWO PEOPLE.

6) PROFILE PORTRAIT a person's face from the side. THE BACKGROUND is EXTREMELY important in this one, how will it compliment or contrast against the 1/2 face? How much of the frame will your profile take up? a majority or a tiny slice?

7) LOCATION PORTRAIT in this one, the LOCATION for your picture is the most important consideration. Find an unusual spot, an unseen place, a beautiful or ODD space where you take this. Will your person 'fit' in this place or seem out of context? Will they be doing anything, or just looking at you? When someone looks at this, they should be thinking, OOOOHHHH, WHERE IS THAT?

8) RECREATE A 'FAMOUS' PORTRAIT Find a photo of your favorite celebrity, or just one of a famous person that you think is taken well... Look at the CORBIJN book up front if you need ideas! THEN RETAKE IT, as close as you can, with a friend standing-in for the celeb. KEEP IT APPROPRIATE PEOPLES!!! You'll also need to post the ORIGINAL inspiration image with YOURS on your blog post for this one.

9) COMP. TECH PORTRAIT Choose one of the 21 Compositional Techniques from that earlier assignment and take a portrait that STRONGLY SHOWS your emphasis on that technique. Include what the technique was in the text of your blog post for this one.

10) COMP TECH 2- Exactly the same as number 9... But Choose a SECOND, different compositional technique to focus on.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

TEACHER extra credit

This can REPLACE 10 points you may have missed for any of the VIDEO NOTES 1-2-or-3.

Take a PERSONALITY PORTRAIT of your 2nd favorite teacher.
(Not of ME, I don't count for this assignment, I'm exempt, so, pick your number two fave:)

A PERSONALITY PORTRAIT tells you, visually, about the PERSONALITY of the subject,
so, just a smiling, candid shot is NOT GOOD ENOUGH... We need more information about this person IN THE PHOTO!

Take it, Print it out -FULL PAGE and IN COLOR (ask me how), and then deliver it to the
teacher so they can plaster it on their wall.

I will email to confirm that they received their photo before you get the 10 points.
rocky smith with a photoshopped ghost burger...

ADDED CONSIDERATION - you can/could be in the photo with the teacher... That way they'll remember you forever as you hang on their wall....

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Face Photoshopping

Before we get to YOU actually taking your own PORTRAITS of people, let's do a little editing exercise in Photoshop.

Find 5 images on GOOGLE and perform the following edits.


(so I can see what you did...)

This assignment is worth 20 points and should be posted on your BLOG by Friday, April 10th.

1)REMOVE BLEMISH (take someones zits off... Or a mole... Or a tattoo... using the CLONE STAMP in Photoshop)

2) ADD HAIR (use the LASSO, MOVE, and ERASER tools to transplant hair onto someone from another photo... Mustache, beard or a full head of hair...)

3)NOSE JOB (use the LIQUIFY FILTER to slightly shrink or expand someone's nasal cavity)

4)MOOD SHIFT (again, use the LIQUIFY FILTER to subtly alter someone's mood, a turn of the corner of the mouth, a 'push' of the brows, what do you have to do to the face to alter a mood?)

5) CHANGE EYE COLOR (lasso the iris and change its color with the BRUSH tool and/or HUE SATURATION)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

STUDENT compositional techniques assignment

Movement-Leading Lines-MP
NOW it is YOUR turn to show you (kind of) understand (some) the 21 concepts from the COMPOSITIONAL TECHNIQUES ASSIGNMENT.

You will get to GO OUT AND TAKE 10 examples -(choose your favorites)of 10 different techniques.

POST each one in a separate blog post and TITLE them with the name of the technique and the letters MP (to indicate that they are YOUR photos, not taken from online.

Like this-


When all 10 have been posted, don't forget to fill out a SELF EVALUATION SHEET - (in the cabinet, under the TV set in the room) - -and turn it in.

These are DUE ON YOUR BLOG by April 9th for 20 points!