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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

TEACHER extra credit

This can REPLACE 10 points you may have missed for any of the VIDEO NOTES 1-2-or-3.

Take a PERSONALITY PORTRAIT of your 2nd favorite teacher.
(Not of ME, I don't count for this assignment, I'm exempt, so, pick your number two fave:)

A PERSONALITY PORTRAIT tells you, visually, about the PERSONALITY of the subject,
so, just a smiling, candid shot is NOT GOOD ENOUGH... We need more information about this person IN THE PHOTO!

Take it, Print it out -FULL PAGE and IN COLOR (ask me how), and then deliver it to the
teacher so they can plaster it on their wall.

I will email to confirm that they received their photo before you get the 10 points.
rocky smith with a photoshopped ghost burger...

ADDED CONSIDERATION - you can/could be in the photo with the teacher... That way they'll remember you forever as you hang on their wall....

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