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Monday, April 20, 2015

Still Life Assignment


This is worth 35 points and DUE (on your blog) by ThursdayAPRIL 30th

This assignment is only 8 photos, BUT each one should be a very thoughtful and ---CONTROLLED--- set up of objects.
For full credit- you'll need to post each IMAGE with THE EXACT TITLES of the shots in BOLD CAPS below.

Remember, you should be posting ORIGINALS and EDITED photos for each shot... Even if you only CROP or UP THE BRIGHTNESS, I want to see both versions!

In this picture, you are trying to take a picture that looks the same on the right side as it does on the left side, the objects do not have to be exactly the same, but it should be compositionally close...

2- ABSTRACT - This is a photograph where you can't really tell what the objects IS.. It should be an interesting shape, texture, or pattern, pleasing to the eye- but a mystery!

3- FOOD - You're going to be arranging some food to be aesthetically pleasing... This can be anything food related, an obscene amount of plentiful overload, a football party spread, a birthday dessert, a romantic dinner, food growing in the garden, a meager snack, or your favorite meal... be sure to control the frame and only include things you INTEND to be in the picture!!!

4- NON-SEQUITOR- In this shot you are putting some object (or group of objects) in an unusual place for them to be in- By placing objects out-of-context, you create new meaning... A stuffed animal placed in an oven becomes a metaphor for animal abuse... A book in a tree translates into The Tree of Knowledge...

5- ANCIENT HISTORY - In this picture you will be photographing a thing or collection of things that are OVER 10 years old... Decaying and moldy objects can still be quite photogenic!!!

6- CHAOS - This picture will depict the disorganization of life- you can find a place that is messed up or create a space that is messed up, BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! Looking down in a garbage can at school may not be as photogenic as a drawer full of jumbled colored pencils... They are both 'chaotic' but the pencils would definately be more worthy of a photograph...

7- METAPHOR- your challenge in this one is to arrange objects that REPRESENT one of these 4 BIG themes- Love, Death, Family, or Power. How can you illustrate the idea of POWER by using large or small objects? Can you find objects that depict a visual notion of what LOVE is? This one is a 'toughy'... It may help you to look up the word METAPHOR, if you just don't 'get it'...

8- COMPOSITIONAL TECHNIQUE STILL LIFE- this is a photo of objects taken to demonstrate ONE of the 21 Compositional Techniques, title your post with the name of the technique, or include it in the body of your blog post along with the images.

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