This is the class blog where you will see DAILY BLOG RESPONSE posts, expectations and examples of ASSIGNMENTS, and articles for FURTHER EXPLORATION. Do not respond to posts on this blog- USE YOUR OWN blog to post your work please!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


You will be posting 10 portraits, on your blog, titled with the CAPS/BOLD headings below, AND FILL OUT AN EVALUATION SHEET, by APRIL 30th for the full 40 points.

WHEN TAKING PORTRAITS- you MUST ask people's permission first!!! It is a violation of privacy to 'steal' someone's picture like a secret spy!!!

These will be graded on your ability to interpret each shot in a creative way, make sure your subject is in FOCUS, and CONTROL YOUR BACKGROUNDS!!!! Nothing in the frame should be 'accidental'.

EDITING REQUIREMENT- Each BLOG POST for ALL future PHOTOGRAPHIC assignments in this class should contain the ORIGINAL photograph and the EDITED photograph. Even if you only alter the BRIGHTNESS & CONTRAST slightly or CROP the frame of the image, all of your photos should be edited in Photoshop...

1) SELFIE - this needs to be taken AT SCHOOL with a highly recognizable OCHS landmark or feature in the background of your photo... This is TAKEN OF YOU- BY YOU, so your phone might make a better tool than the bulky SLR camera from class...

2) PERSONALITY PORTRAIT- try to tell us something about a persons personality through setting, facial expression, or pose. It can be understated or a BOLD, LOUD statement. Really think about the person you are using and WHAT your photo reveals about their personality. EXPLAIN WHAT you were trying to show about this person in the TEXT of your photo's blog post.

3) AT WORK PORTRAIT- take a picture of someone who is engaged in an activity, work, hobby, etc. THEY SHOULD BE DOING the thing they are doing- NOT SMILING at YOU! It may take some acting and coaching, but the person should be oblivious to the camera and not even recognize it is there...

4) NO FACE PORTRAIT- take a person's portrait where their body/pose is more important than their face. They can have their back to the camera, they can be a silhouette, an outline, a shadow, or their face can be obscured in some way. This makes the specific person less important and the 'meaning' of the photo more evident.

5) COUPLE PORTRAIT two people, in love or at war, playing a game or occupying the same space but ignoring eachother, are they relating to one another or not? Can you even see BOTH of their faces? Your choice. Boys, girls, any combination, but keep it down to just TWO PEOPLE.

6) PROFILE PORTRAIT a person's face from the side. THE BACKGROUND is EXTREMELY important in this one, how will it compliment or contrast against the 1/2 face? How much of the frame will your profile take up? a majority or a tiny slice?

7) LOCATION PORTRAIT in this one, the LOCATION for your picture is the most important consideration. Find an unusual spot, an unseen place, a beautiful or ODD space where you take this. Will your person 'fit' in this place or seem out of context? Will they be doing anything, or just looking at you? When someone looks at this, they should be thinking, OOOOHHHH, WHERE IS THAT?

8) RECREATE A 'FAMOUS' PORTRAIT Find a photo of your favorite celebrity, or just one of a famous person that you think is taken well... Look at the CORBIJN book up front if you need ideas! THEN RETAKE IT, as close as you can, with a friend standing-in for the celeb. KEEP IT APPROPRIATE PEOPLES!!! You'll also need to post the ORIGINAL inspiration image with YOURS on your blog post for this one.

9) COMP. TECH PORTRAIT Choose one of the 21 Compositional Techniques from that earlier assignment and take a portrait that STRONGLY SHOWS your emphasis on that technique. Include what the technique was in the text of your blog post for this one.

10) COMP TECH 2- Exactly the same as number 9... But Choose a SECOND, different compositional technique to focus on.

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